Automated emails & texts

Nurture your contacts with effective email and text campaigns. Send the right messages to the right person at the right time to convert contacts into customers.

Email Marketing

Convert contacts to customers

Impressive emails

Use the intuitive drag-and-drop email builder to create modern and attractive templates for your email campaigns.

Email Template Collage
Email Automation

Email marketing automation

It's never been easier to set up automated email campaigns. Once created, the software works tirelessly for your business.

Newsletter with style

Add text, images, buttons and other elements with just a few clicks. Creating beautiful designs has never been so easy.

Email Builder
Personalised Email

Personalized messages

Personalize your email campaigns by dynamically inserting the recipient's name or other data into your emails.

WhatsApp & Text Marketing

There is no easier and faster way to create WhatsApp and SMS campaigns to convert your contacts into customers. Perfect for newsletters, last minute appointment reminders, offers & other messages.

Client is happy about text message
Business partners looking happy at screen

Detailed reports

Analyze the effectiveness of your campaigns to make improvements and get the best out of your marketing.

Fully integrated email marketing

All the tools work perfectly together. Use any action in the software as a trigger to start certain campaigns automatically.

Young business woman

Manage & grow your business.

Use the most efficient all-in-one platform.

Try it now, without any commitment.

5 Stars